Monday, April 2, 2012

My Project 4 Proposal

Project 4 Proposal:

My Project, titled Abstracted Flowers, will focus on exploring the idea of zooming in on well-known subjects to the point of making them abstract objects. I will be using both Robert Mapplethorpe and Georgia O’Keeffe as inspiration.  Although Georgia O’Keeffe was not a photographer, like Mapplethorpe, she used flowers as a genre in her work.  I will be attempting to use O’Keeffe’s cropping techniques in painting, which are similar to that of photography, in my shots in order to create an abstracted image of flowers.  My goal for this series is to create three to five prints of equal size mounted on gaterboard.  This project is important because it will utilize my interest in close up images and take it a step further by having me explore abstracted photography in a way that is completely new to me.  I will be creating a series of these abstracted flower images to be viewed together as a whole, which is unlike the work of Robert Mapplethorpe and Georgia O’Keeffe due to the fact that although they created multiple pieces relating to the flower genre, each piece was viewed individually.  My research will include online searches and library sources in order to view as much of Mapplethorpe and O’Keeffe’s works as possible related to the genre of flowers.
            My work plan includes this timeline:
  • ·               I will set aside six hours per week to shoot - April 1st through the 14th
  • ·               Postproduction will occur April 15th through the 20th
  • ·      Printing or final presentation - April 21st through the 26th

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